Trail Crew - Stadium Lane maintenance

February 3, 2022

The ALPS Trail Crew volunteers performed some needed chores at the Stadium Lane property:

- Filling in all the squirrel holes in the garden that were creating large dirt piles and spreading onto the trail

- Fixed the two broken boards at the top of the ALPS Trail switchbacks

- Covered up a shortcut on the lower section of the Pine Mountain Loop Trail

- Raked the entrance road and the ALPS Trail through the garden to make things look nice!

- Desposed of the trash piled up at the entrance turnstile and emptied the dog poop container

Thanks to the crew for a great workday!  If you are interested in becoming part of the Trail Crew please email ALPS at:   The trail crew workdays are typically on Thursday mornings from 9 am to noon. Workdays are scheduled as needed.


Dave and John filling in squirrel holes!


Borken boards prior to replacement. 

Shortcut covered up to stop erosion and allow regeneration of flora!

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